Can summer air affect your eyes?

Can summer air affect your eyes?

The environment that we live in affects our health in various direct and indirect ways. The change in the immediate environment often becomes the cause of medical concern. While a seasonal cold in winters and heat strokes in summers are common, people usually overlook the harm caused to their eyes. Eyes are a very sensitive part of the body and can be easily affected by what is present in their surroundings. With the heat fast approaching, there a number of things in the summer air that could potentially have adverse effects on your sight. A few of them are listed below:

  • Harsh UV Rays Similar to how your skin needs to be protected from harsh sunlight with UV rays, your eyes also need protection from ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Higher exposure to UVR may cause photo conjunctivitis, cancer of the eyelids or cataract development.
  • Dust and Smog

 Summer is the season for outdoor activities, the perfect time for dust and sand to be flung in the air. Other than the injuries and abrasions that outdoor activities may cause to your eyes, dust can lead to corneal injuries. Continued exposure may also lead to dry eye syndrome along with irritated inflammation.

  • Virus and Bacteria There can be any number of communicable disease-causing bacterias and viruses in the air around you. One can never be too careful of what their eyes or skin comes in contact with. Bird flu, conjunctivitis, and styes, are all common eye diseases in summers.
  • Chemical Irritants or Fumes If your workplace or living space is exposed to chemicals, the heat often makes it easier for their fumes to damage your eyes. This is especially true for industry workers. Even when dealing with chemicals in educational institutions, hospitals or at home, carefully handling is required so that no ocular emergency or blindness happens.
  • Dry Heat

While it may seem harmless, increasing temperature generates a lot of heat in the air and often make the atmosphere very dry. This leads to rapid tear film evaporation in the eyes, a sure way to get dry eyes and irritation in the cornea. How to protect your Eyes

While the troubles summer may bring linger in the air, there are a lot of viable solutions that you can try to shield your eyes from any potential harm.

  • Wear sunglasses and hats to protect your eyes from direct exposure to sunlight and the accompanying UVR. This also fulfills the secondary function of preventing any objects or dust to come in contact with your eyes, preventing injuries.
  • A number of eye diseases and allergies that summer brings can be prevented or lessened to an extent by keeping your hands sanitized, not rubbing your eyes frequently and keeping general hygiene around your hands and eyes.
    • When dealing with chemicals and any other solutions that could cause burning in the eyes, keep them a safe distance away from your eyes and face. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the chemicals and wear protective goggles along with other gear.
  • The discomforts of extreme summer air are generally tackled by keeping hydrated, cool and getting proper rest. It is no different for your eyes. Drink water so that dehydration does not affect your eyes, wash them with cool water to reduce reddening and irritation, and complete the sleep requirement of your body.

And lastly, keep in mind that along with these prevention methods, having professional help is incredibly helpful. If you are unsure about anything, get regular eye check-ups done to keep your eye healthy and safe from any harm in summer! Read Also: 7 Tips for Summer Eye Care

Can summer air affect your eyes?

Can summer air affect your eyes?