Cataract Eye Surgery

Cataracts, the gradual clouding of the eye’s natural lens, can significantly impact one’s vision and daily life. The good news is that cataract eye surgery has emerged as a highly effective solution to restore clear vision and enhance overall eye health. Read further to explore the various facets of cataract surgery, from understanding the cataract procedure to postoperative care, risks, costs associated, etc..

What Is Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery or cataract operation is a medical procedure aimed at removing the natural clouded lens of the eye, which causes impaired vision. During the cataract procedure, the surgeon replaces the cloudy lens with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The cataract eye treatment not only eliminates the obstructive cataract but also improves the patient’s overall vision quality.

Signs You May Need Cataract Surgery

The below mentioned symptoms may suggest the presence of cataracts.

  • Cloudy vision 
  • Blurry vision
  • Glares and halos around lights
  • Light sensitivity
  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • Double vision (multiple vision)
  • Fading of colors
  • Frequent changing of prescriptions
  • Distorted vision

Recognizing the signs indicate that the need for cataract surgery is pivotal and timely medical intervention is required. 

Eligibility for Cataract Eye Surgery

Determining eligibility for cataract procedure involves a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist. Factors such as the severity of cataracts, overall eye health, and the impact on daily activities are considered.

Visual Acuity: A comprehensive eye exam assesses visual acuity, ensuring that vision loss is primarily due to cataracts.

Impact on Daily Activities: If cataracts hinder your ability to drive, read, work, or perform essential tasks, surgery may be recommended.

Overall Eye Health: The health of your eyes, apart from cataracts, is considered. Other eye conditions may influence the decision to proceed with surgery.

Patient Readiness: The patient’s willingness and ability to follow pre- and post-operative care are assessed.

Early detection and timely intervention enhance the chances of a successful cataract surgery outcome.

The Cataract Surgery Procedure

Cataract operation is a meticulous outpatient procedure designed to restore clear vision. Key steps include:

  • Preoperative Assessment: Measures eye dimensions and evaluates the need for an intraocular lens (IOL).
  • Anesthesia Administration: Local anesthesia ensures the patient feels no pain.
  • Incision Creation: A small incision in the cornea to access the clouded lens.
  • Lens Extraction: Clouded natural lens removal through ultrasound or laser technology.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Implantation: Careful insertion of a selected IOL based on the patient’s vision needs.
  • Incision Closure: Self-sealing or minimal sutures with proper alignment for optimal healing.
  • Postoperative Observation: Brief monitoring for complications before patients return home on the same day.

Understanding these steps empowers patients, instilling confidence in skilled professionals dedicated to restoring their vision.

What to Expect After Cataract Surgery

Post-operative care is crucial for a successful recovery after cataract surgery. Patients can expect improvements in vision within a few days, but complete recovery may take a few weeks. Usually after a cataract procedure, it’s common to experience mild discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications. It’s essential to adhere to the surgeon’s instructions regarding the use of prescribed eye drops and attending scheduled follow-up appointments for monitoring the healing process after the cataract operation.

Cataract Surgery Aftercare

Cataract procedure aftercare involves a series of precautionary measures to ensure optimal healing. 

  • Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities, refrain from rubbing their eyes, and protect their eyes from bright sunlight.
  • Regular check-ups during the postoperative period allow the surgeon to monitor progress and address any concerns promptly.

To have a detail overview of Precautions After Cataract Surgery must read this blog.

Benefits of Cataract Surgery

Cataract procedure offers a multitude of benefits, extending beyond improved vision. 

  • Patients often report enhanced quality of life, increased independence, and improved overall well-being. 
  • The removal of cataracts can also prevent further vision deterioration and reduce the risk of falls and accidents associated with impaired vision.

Types of Cataract Surgery

There are different types of cataract surgery, each tailored to specific patient needs, such as:

  1. Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) / SICS:

Involves removing the entire lens through a single larger incision, often used for advanced cataracts or specific cases. This has largely been replaced by the more advanced phacoemulsification procedure. This is a manual procedure and hence does not require any sophisticated infrastructure or technology.

  1. Phacoemulsification:

Utilizes ultrasound technology to break up and remove the clouded lens, requiring a small incision for faster recovery and minimal discomfort.

  1. Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS):

In it, the incision size is less than 1.8 mm with the purpose of reducing the surgical invasiveness, improving the surgical outcomes at the same time.

  1. Femto Cataract Surgery:

Femto cataract operation utilizes advanced laser technology for precise incisions and lens fragmentation. Differing from traditional methods, its benefits include enhanced accuracy, quicker recovery, and reduced reliance on manual techniques.

About Intraocular Lens used in Cataract Surgery

Intraocular lenses (IOLs) play a pivotal role in cataract operation. These artificial lenses come in various types, such as monofocal, multifocal, and toric, each addressing different vision needs. The choice of IOL depends on factors such as lifestyle, visual requirements, and the surgeon’s recommendation.

Monofocal lens Vs Multifocal Lens which is better?

– Monofocal Lens: Ideal for distant vision.

– EDOF Monofocal Lens: Ideal for distant and intermediate vision.

– Bi-focal Lens: Ideal for near and distant vision.

– Trifocal Lens: Ideal for near, intermediate, and far vision.

– Toric Lens: Corrects astigmatism.

To know more about types of Intraocular Lenses explore this blog.

Cataract Treatment: When To Go For Cataract Eye Surgery

Recognizing when to opt for cataract treatment is crucial for preventing the worsening of symptoms. Early intervention can significantly improve the chances of a successful outcome. Regular eye examinations and discussions with an eye care professional can help individuals make informed decisions about the timing of their cataract eye surgery.

Have you ever wondered When is the Right Time to Get Cataract Surgery Done?

Complications & Risks Associated with Cataract Surgery

While cataract eye surgery is generally considered safe, it’s essential to be aware of potential complications and risks of cataract surgery. These may include 

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Increased intraocular pressure, or, in rare cases, secondary cataracts. 
  • Close monitoring and adherence to post-operative care instructions help minimize these risks.

Cataract Operation Cost

The cost of cataract treatment varies based on several factors, including the type of procedure, the choice of intraocular lens, and the geographical location of the surgical facility. Consulting with an eye care professional and verifying insurance coverage can provide individuals with a more accurate estimate of the overall cost. At Centre For Sight, it starts at an affordable cost of 12,000 only.


Cataract surgery stands as a transformative procedure, helping countless individuals regain clear vision and improve their overall quality of life. By understanding the various aspects of this surgery, from eligibility to aftercare, individuals can make informed decisions about their eye health. If experiencing symptoms of cataracts, consulting with an eye care specialist is the first step towards a brighter, clearer future.


What Exactly Is Done in Cataract Surgery?

During cataract surgery, the cloudy natural lens is removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens, restoring clear vision and improving visual quality.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Cataract Eye Surgery?

Recovery from cataract surgery is relatively quick, with most patients experiencing improved vision within a few days, although full recovery may take a couple of weeks.

Is Cataract Surgery a Major Surgery?

Yes, cataract surgery is considered a surgical procedure but it is one of the safest procedures and the whole intervention, from the removal of the cloudy lens to the insertion of an artificial one takes only 20-30 mins in routine cases.

Can cataract surgery be performed on both eyes simultaneously?

Yes, cataract surgery can be performed on both eyes simultaneously, but it is suggested to get it done on different days to minimize the risk of complications and ensure a smoother recovery for each eye.

How painful is cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is typically not painful due to anesthesia and numbing eye drops, though some mild discomfort or scratchiness may occur during the recovery period.

Is cataract surgery safe?

Yes, cataract surgery is considered as one of the safest eye surgeries. It has a high success rate in restoring vision and improving quality of life. Your ophthalmologist will assess your health, discuss potential risks prior to the surgery.

Who gets affected by cataracts?

Generally Cataracts affect older individuals, however they can develop at any age due to other risk factors, like family history, certain medical conditions (such as diabetes), prolonged exposure to sunlight, smoking, and the use of certain medications. Regular eye check-ups help detect and diagnose cataracts early. Pediatric cataracts also occur in infants.

What if cataract surgery is unsuccessful?

Though it is very rare, if cataract surgery goes unsuccessful, the ophthalmologist will carefully assess the reasons for the outcome and arrive with the best possible solution.

Is cataract surgery the only surgical option for treating cataracts?

Yes, Cataract surgery is the only and effective surgical option for treating cataracts. You may choose any one cataract surgery type among the available types as per your requirement.

How is a cataract removed?

Cataracts are typically removed through a surgery. In it, the cloudy lens is breaked and suctioned out through a small incision and then replaced by an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to restore clear vision. This modern technique promotes faster recovery and minimal discomfort.

Which lens is best for cataract?

The choice of the best lens depends on individual needs and preferences as per their lifestyle. There are multiple lens types, designed to cater different purposes. Discuss your lifestyle and visual goals with your ophthalmologist to determine the most suitable option for you.

Who is the best doctor for cataract surgery in New Delhi?

The Centre For Sight – group of eye hospitals boasts a renowned team of ophthalmologists specialized in cataract surgery, offering top-notch expertise and advanced treatments for cataract. Not only in India, we are present in over 30+ cities from 15 states of India.

How much time can cataract surgery be completed?

Cataract surgery generally takes only about 20-30 minutes per eye. Though it’s a quick procedure, it takes the whole day as pre-operative preparations and post-operative monitoring are done. Patients must plan accordingly.

Why do I see flickering after cataract surgery?

Seeing flickering or light flashes after cataract surgery can be due to the adaptation of your eyes to the new intraocular lens (IOL). Generally, this phenomenon is temporary and tends to improve as your eyes adapt. In case you keep experiencing, consult your ophthalmologist.

What are the 3 types of cataract surgery?

Three major types of cataract surgery are Phacoemulsification (Phaco), which is the most common and modern technique, MICS (Micro Incision Cataract Surgery), and Femto Laser Cataract Surgery which is the latest technology.

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