How to Cure Computer Vision Syndrome?

Thu Oct 31 2019

Are you aware that a major part of the Indian population is struggling with Computer Vision Syndrome? Headache, eye strain, blurred vision, and dryness in eyes are some of the symptoms of CVS. Blame it on the prolonged hours spent on computer screens, tablets or smartphones. People especially working in the service sector or performing desk jobs often tend to develop CVS. If you consult any privileged eye care centre like Centre for Sight, you may come across the fact that such centres show a lot of concern on an issue like CVS.

So much about Computer Vision Syndrome. What is it after all?

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) results from straining your eyes by working on PC, Tablet, Mobile, or any other second screen for several hours without any break. The eye muscles get strained thereafter. What adds to the misery is the lack of adequate sleep. If people had an uninterrupted sleep of seven to eight hours, they would have managed to recover from the strained eye muscles. Some common symptoms associated with CVS are:

  • Eye pain
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Non-ocular issues such as neck and shoulder pain

Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

  • Blinking eyes is an essential part of eye health. However, when a person stares at a bright screen, the rate of eye blinking is reduced. It leads to dry eyes which cause redness of eyes, eye pain, headache, etc.
  • Our eyes are not designed for prolonged nearby focus which results in convergence spasm of the small eye muscles.
  • Incorrect sitting posture or positioning of the computer screen also causes significant problems.
  • CVS is also caused by not wearing glasses or contact lenses of the right prescription. If a person has a pre-existing eye disorder such as eye dryness then they are prone to CVS.

Most of the CVS symptoms are temporary and start to decline by bringing some major changes in day to day computer usage. However, in some cases, the vision problems may continue to exist, such as blurred vision even after taking adequate breaks from computer screens. In such a situation, if a doctor is not consulted, then the symptoms may get worse.

Computer vision syndrome cure

CVS is a lifestyle disorder, so its treatment is possible by making changes in the use of computer and other digital gadgets:

  • Limiting screen time: One must wisely spend time on computers and other electronic devices. It’s also suggested that one should reduce dependence on the usage of smartphones.
  • Proper posture: Optimally, the center of the screen should be 20 to 28 inches far from the eyes (4 to 5 inches below the eye level). One should avoid reading from screen devices in bed.
  • Taking breaks: Give rest to the eyes for at least 15 minutes after every 2-hour session.
  • 20-20-20 Rule: After every 20 minutes of computer usage, look at something else at least 20 feet away for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • Optimizing the device: The screen should have a glare filter, and the size of the text on the screen should not be very small.

It is very important to avoid dry eyes in order to cure CVS. Some of the activities that you should follow are:

  • Use of lubricating eye drops
  • Keeping one’s hydrated by drinking enough water
  • Taking medication to improve tear production

Make wise and conscious decisions while using your computer or smartphone. See an eye specialist at least once every year for check-ups. At Centre for Sight, an annual checkup would help you to understand what is the status of your eyes given your lifestyle. CFS is one of the best eye clinics in India and highly recommended for its holistic approach for the patients.

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