What should you know about your Peripheral Vision?

Thu Aug 25 2022

Our potential to see out of the edge of our eyes is known as peripheral vision. This entails that we can perceive objects not in our field of sight without turning our heads, an ability that, even if we may not be aware, is helpful during a typical day.

Tunnel vision eye issues make it harder for us to see what’s around us, which increases the risk of accidents like falling or tripping.

We employ two significant forms of vision daily, usually without giving them any thought. These consists of the following:

  • Central: As long as we wear optical glasses if we require them, we can clearly see what is happening in front of us.
  • Peripheral: Without turning our heads or necks, we may see this from the sides of our eyes.

Thanks to peripheral vision, we can perceive our surroundings considerably more completely. When someone is said to have blinders on or something similar, it denotes that they have a narrow viewpoint on something and disregard—knowingly or unconsciously—other perspectives in their environment. Therefore, when we refer to our actual peripheral eye, we mean our ability to see what is occurring out of our line of sight.

Peripheral Vision: Why Is It Important?

The viewing field must include peripheral vision. In addition to enabling us to see things from the side vision, it also improves our ability to perceive objects in congested environments like traffic. People with peripheral vision may find it easier to see things out of the corner of their eyes, such as objects and motions that are not visible to the central vision. Due to the massive number of rods in the peripheral retina, peripheral vision is more successful at seeing objects in darkness than central vision.

What Causes Peripheral Vision Loss?

Losing Peripheral vision could be brought on by several underlying medical issues. While other medical illnesses put you at risk for persistent peripheral vision loss, migraines only impair your peripheral vision temporarily. Over time, your peripheral vision may deteriorate, first only affecting a portion of your side vision.

The following are a few reasons for poor peripheral vision:

  • Glaucoma

This tunnel vision glaucoma eye ailment directly affects peripheral vision by putting pressure on the optic nerve due to fluid buildup inside the eyeball. If untreated, it can harm the optic nerve and result in permanent blindness.

  • Retinitis pigmentosa

As your retina ages, this genetic issue will gradually impair night vision, central vision, and even blur peripheral vision. This uncommon disorder has no known treatment, but if it’s detected early enough, you might be able to prepare for eyesight loss.

  • Scotoma

A scotoma—a blind patch in your vision—could appear if your retina is impaired. Glaucoma, swelling, and other eye disorders, including macular degeneration, may all contribute to this.

  • Stroke

A stroke may result in an irreversible visual loss on one edge of each eye. This is due to one side of the brain being damaged by a stroke. Your eyes are still functioning, but this sort of vision loss is neurological because your brain cannot interpret what you see. Strokes can also bring on scotomas.

How Can It Get Treated?

In many circumstances, your side vision might not be restored if you lose your peripheral vision. It’s crucial to visit an eye specialist frequently to check and diagnose issues that could lead to a gradual erosion of peripheral vision.

If you have lost the ability to see out of your peripherals, your doctor might be able to recommend some lifestyle adjustments. This involves receiving instruction on how to use eyesight. You do have to survey the environment around you visually.

Current studies look at the usage of prism-equipped glasses that can improve side vision if you have peripheral vision loss.

Your doctor may advise therapies to help decrease vision loss and address the problems causing periphery loss of vision:


To stop glaucoma from getting worse, you may need to use eye drops or another type of medication, have surgery, or both.


To improve your vision, you can illuminate spaces with solid lighting and magnifying printed or digital reading materials.


The peripheral vision loss brought on by this ailment might not be curable, but your doctor might advise visual screening and prisms on your spectacles to aid navigation.

Why Choose Centre For Sight?

No matter what kind of health issue we’re discussing, it’s evident that each one needs to be treated as soon as possible to avoid becoming fatal. The same is true for even the tiniest eye problems you may be experiencing, so contact a reputable eye clinic like Centre For Sight right away to get the care you need. At Centre For Sight, we have skilled ophthalmologists who can provide a satisfying experience. We ensure that you receive the most excellent care and are at rest.

Article: What should you know about your Peripheral Vision?
Author: CFS Editorial Team | Aug 25 2022 | UPDATED 12:07 IST

*The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of Centre for Sight.

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